Tuesday, February 21, 2012

70 Years Ago

Just decided to find these two photos and put them together once again - a hard day for me too:)

Love you both!!!!

Just Thinking:)

I talked with Jaci this week - got another email regarding the mobile home and since it was on the weekend, decided just to call and chat.  First of all, am glad that we're bringing the price down on the mobile home - there's no need to keep hanging on - and not one of us "needs" the dollars from it so it just keeps "closure" from happening - especially for those living in Walla Walla.  It's much easier for Judy, Greg and me - we don't have to drive by or feel the need to drive by - our lives although changed, have continued on. 

This morning, my heart is breaking for Jenice (YES, Jenice - YOU!)  Jaci told me that your weight is down to like under 80 pounds - you were terribly thin at Christmas and I know you weighed more than that then - I just can't imagine what you must be now!  WE DON'T WANT to lose you too!!!  We are now the next generation and I personally am not ready to watch someone else in health conditions suffer!!!!  Wasn't sure how to tell you just how much I love you and how much I need you to stay healthy, so decided since I know you go to my blog on occasion, this would be the way.  PLEASE take care of yourself and find that inner strength - please!!!

Wrote this for you this morning - mom and dad's 70th anniversary too:)  I LOVE YOU!!!

Blessings to you Jenice - blessings to all!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


The past couple of days I've had to be in the car for short periods of time - Monday driving to Spokane and back, yesterday to Endicott and home - I always listen to the radio.  Generally speaking when I'm in the house I also have my radio on and listening to a Christian radio station as I go about my day.  I have my favorite songs that come on and I try to take a minute and just listen to the words.  Isn't it funny how we can recognize melodies or tunes, the intro to a song or maybe even the first chord, but we don't listen to the words?  At least that happens to me!! 

"Blessings" from Laura Story has been my song for several months now - in fact, guess it's been 9 months!!  That doesn't seem possible at all that mom has been gone that long, but "Blessings" is the song God played just for me when going through that difficult time!  AND, I KNOW it was for me - the words became imbedded in my heart, my soul, my thoughts and on the tip of my tongue - I know that song!  Well just this week, there's a new song - not that I really want to "give up" on the last one, but I think God is letting me know that it's okay, that I can remember in love all the times with mom and dad, and that now it's time to go on.

At the time I'm writing this there's only one line that I can even think of in my "new song"- strange how that can happen!!  But each time I hear it come on the radio, I just have to stop and think - "yes, I choose Jesus":)!!  You see, that's the one line I can remember - but what a great choice if that's the only one, right?!  So for today, tomorrow and for the rest of my life, "I Choose Jesus" is the theme of my heart.  I pray that I can reflect His love, His light, His life to all those around me!  So for now, "Blessings" to all and thank you Jesus for choosing me!