Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Final "Last"

OK - so it happened just yesterday.  When Jaci and Dwight came home from Seattle on the 2nd of September they had a telephone message that mom's house had sold depending on our response.  Of course, we all quickly said, "take it!" to the bid that was given.  It was going to be sold!  It was going to be no longer mom's home!  It was the final "last"!!

At the beginning I thought "great, it's time it goes!" but like some of the other siblings, it's still very difficult to know there is not a connection any longer.  Maybe it's because as long as 176 Rancho Villa belonged to mom, we still had a small part of her?  I don't know the answer - I just know that although my heart says "mom wanted it sold and sold on her birthday" that there is a part of me still wanting to hang on.  Stupid, I realize, but still real:)

Yesterday Jaci went to the title company and signed it off - all the siblings are mailing in their notarized papers giving our rights away also - such a bittersweet time!  I googled just yesterday the multiple listing in the Walla Walla Realtors Association - there it was, photos of her place.  I have some of those same photos - I took many as I walked out the door the last time.  I remember tears swelling within my eyes to a point I couldn't even see the camera screen, but I wanted those photos!  But when I saw them "online" for everyone to see, it just choked me up again.  There on the one wall by her front door the six little painted photos were hanging in the shape of a cross - I cried!  In the kitchen was a box of kleenex by the telephone counter and her plant above the kitchen sink - I cried!  In the bedroom area was the mirror across from the sink where she'd always placed little momentos that meant something to her - I cried!  The garage door from the outside area was in one photo and I just couldn't help but remember how excited both mom and dad were to build that garage and park a new vehicle in it - I cried!  So can you tell it was a tearful time for me?!!!!  Now, Jaci signs the papers and today the new owners sign their part.  It is gone - and although I'm happy about it - I cry!

The very final "last" is the key to her home that I cannot give up!  It has a little smidgen of fingernail polish still on it from when mom put it there - not much as it's been on my keyring for over a year and it's wearing off - but I have the key.  There's no way that it'll ever be used at 176 Rancho Villa in Walla Walla, Washington but I can imagine it'll be on my keys for a long time - in fact, maybe my girls one day will say, "Hmmmmm, wonder what this went to?" 
Blessings mom!!!!  I'll love you forever:)!!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A New Time!!! A New Beginning!
So here it is the first day of a new school year - the first day since 1989 that I don't have a child going to school. It's a little sad for me, but it's also a beginning of a new stage of life and I'm liking it!  So many things in just the last few days to say, "it's time to move on - and it's time for a new beginning!"  Although life will always be different and from here on out it's going to fly by, I feel so good about how God has provided and sustained us in His hands! 
Sunday the 2nd of September was mom's 93rd birthday and although she's not with us, my thoughts and love were hers that day!  Well, I guess you can say that there's not a day that goes by that my thoughts at some point don't go to mom or dad - I'm thinking that is normal - my goodness, I am my mother's daughter right?  I am my father's daughter?!!!  I'll attach the thoughts I wrote that day for mom -

I posted this on facebook - it's kind of the "new thing" in this generation of time - I so wish that years ago when I was writing there was a "place" where I could have posted and saved everything I wrote - in this computer era, it's so much easier:)  Anyway, my thoughts and love were with mom on her birthday!!!!

We didn't know it until yesterday, but on my mom's birthday there was a message on Jaci's phone from Brenda the realtor that a retiring couple had put earnest money down on mom's house!  So, I think mom had something to do with that!  I can just imagine that she was saying, "OK now Lord, it's time that the house sells and the kids can move on!  I don't want them having to keep that place up anymore, and I don't want them thinking about it all the time!"  Can't you just hear her talking?  Maybe that was her birthday gift to us on her special day? 

We were all in agreement and took the offer - hindsight is always better, and we should have taken that very first offer 15 months ago, but we can't go back:)  This is the right time and mom thought so too:)  At least, that's what I believe!!!  So on the 14th of September the papers will be signed and no longer will 176 Rancho Villa be an address in the family.  I'm so glad I took the rock and I have a visual of it everyday - makes me feel just a little closer and I love it!

I know what my next blog will be - have it within my mind right now - I love how God gives me thoughts and words - makes it so much better with feelings and such:)  So yes, today is a new beginning and a new time!  May God keep mom and dad in His hands and in time, we'll all be there too:)  Blessings to them and to all of us during this transition time of life!