Sunday, August 26, 2012

Who Would Have Known?

Today was a very typical Sunday morning:)  Got to sleep in just a little longer than normal as church doesn't begin until 10:30.  I got a text from Maribeth, one of my most recent best friends in town, that she was going to join me in church this morning, but she would drive herself.  Anyway, she had wanted me to "watch" for her - like in St. John no one would know "who" she was?  I told her I'd be the one with a "smile and open arms" - it was good to have her come!!!  We stood out front for a short time before going to sit down in the new chairs - love chairs rather than the old pews.

The service started out great!  Actually the entire morning was great, and church in our new sanctuary is very special for sure!  It was after the first song that we always "cross the aisles" and speak to others - I love this part of the Sunday morning - it is only a couple of minutes, but gives us a chance to just shake hands, give a hug, a squeeze on a little one's shoulder, a glance to someone.  It was at the end of this time - I was chatting with a fairly new person in church about a prospective job she was hoping to get, and the song started!  "There's within my heart a melody, Jesus whispers sweet and low" - going on to say, "fear not I am with thee, peace be still,  in all of life's web and woe."  At this point, I had headed back to my sit - and the chorus was being sung!  "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Sweetest Name I know.  Fills my every longing, keep me singing as I go!"  So there it was, the very song that I remember mom singing all the time!  Instantly, I could feel that little tear swelling up within my eye - but unlike my normal routine, I'd worn mascara today and didn't want to actually cry!  But that's all it took - that song being sung by the congregation to remind me.  However, this time I felt that "comfort" of the song - although I had emotions, I was able to vividly remember mom standing over the sink out in the home off Wallula road - the one where there was no window above the sink - I could visualize her singing and I could hear her singing:)! 

I leaned over to Maribeth and quietly commented, "this was my mom's favorite song" - Maribeth lost her mom about the same time or just months before mom.  We've been able to "share" lots of things and this was one of those times - she just gave me a reassuring little smile and we sang on.  So today Mom, you were there with me for sure!!!  There won't be a time I hear those words and not remember you singing them - it's such an old time hymnal kind of song and generally speaking we don't sing them much - today was meant to be and those words were comforting!  Thanks for sharing this Sunday with me:)  Blessings to mom today and always!  I love you:)!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Is it Time? - August 18th

Ok:)  So I just got off the phone with my oldest sister - after quite the conversation about a variety of things, she comments, "By the way, why haven't you posted anything on your blogspot?"  Hmmmmm, my response is "guess I've been busy?!"  However, that is no excuse ever for anything that means something to you!  And keeping up on my blogspot does bring comfort for those "two" that read it!!!!  So, after googling on "how in the world to get in to my site and create a new one" - here it is:)

Yes, Father's Day came and went and now this week is the 6th year of dad's passing.  I've written something that I will post at the end of this - was in tears yesterday afternoon and the words just kept haunting my mind until I wrote them down.  I'll be posting on the 21st of August on facebook and tag my siblings - we all will feel the very same way - Glen isn't a facebooker so can't tag him.  Not sure but maybe I have "three" followers on this site?  Anyway, wrote it for all of us as we all know it by heart - heard it all the time!!!  Always got a little chuckle out of it, and I guess now, I can still smile and laugh inside.  Not the same on the outside, 'cuz I miss him and mom a lot - but I can hear him tell me, "Janet, that's a good one!"  Often times he would actually print out some of my poems and read to his Sam's Group at church.  I never did tell him just how special that made me feel - guess I should have, huh?  Dad was a writer too - so between him and Aunt Mildred who I didn't really get to know, maybe it comes naturally to me.  I do know this, I feel like at times there is nothing more that I can do but write the words down.  Sometimes I wonder, "Who in the world will go through these thousands of writings I have?"  Hmmmm, maybe one of my kids someday - who knows?

Life is busy and I'm loving it!!!  Larissa moved to Philadelphia - actually to St. David's and is the Coordinator of Student Activities/RD and is loving it!  Our road trip from Texas to Pennsylvania was a lifetime of memories to treasure!  We laughed, we ate, we slept, we took photos, we cried - perfect in every way!  Litney got her first teaching job in Renton and is in the process now of getting her classroom organized and ready for 31 5th grade students - that will be a challenge for a first year teacher but I know she'll do great!  I miss she and Danny living in Spokane and popping in on us - hmmmm, don't think they'll ever live on this side of the state again:( !!!  Logan is in the middle of harvest driving combine - he's doing great but exhausted after two weeks - anyone should be!  And he's still dating his girlfriend - at least she helps motivate him so I like that!  This is Jim's slower time at the office with the farmers but my photography is in full swing!  I've had shoots about 5 or 6 times a week - without breaks for like 10 days - BUT, I'm doing what I love!!!  Again, both dad and mom would have been thrilled for me.  Funny how even when you're with a "spouse" and as old as I am that you still love thinking that your parents would be proud?! 

OK - so I'm going to try my best not to let this much time pass in my writing - here's my words for Dad - remember dad, I love you so much and miss you!!! 

Blessings to my Dad!!!  Blessings to all:)!