Thursday, June 30, 2011

The End of a Month

So I just looked at the calendar and can't quite believe that June is over today!  This month presented itself with a couple of very difficult times and in some sort of way, I'm glad it's over, but it saddens me too!  You see on June 12th we had the small family memorial service for my mom.  Litney came down that morning to St. John and rode with me to Walla Walla - Jim followed with the pickup with Logan.  We gathered at the cemetery and Glen had prepared a very nice family service for us to remember mom - lots of tears, lots of great memories, lots of emotions once again!!!!  There still isn't a day that can creep by without me thinking and shedding a tearful thought or two - but it was good to have all of us participate in the ways we did - sharing values & stories we had received from mom, and actually dad for that matter. 

We left the cemetery and went back to Jenice's home for a catered meal and just enjoyed the time together.  Mom gave to  us "one more time" - how fitting as she was always trying to do "one up" from the time before.  Even though the meal was scrumpteous and there was tons, it was difficult to have it without her there!  This was the first time we gathered all six kids and the family that could be there without mom!  It was the second time for me returning to Walla Walla, but for Judy & Don, Greg & Irma, it was the first time - how difficult!!!!  Of course, it was the first time for my kids too - Litney was very emotional - couldn't hold the tears back, Logan did his utmost, but I saw him several times have to turn away.  My kids lost two grandmas within 5 weeks of each other!  Hard on me - hard on them!!!! 

As some of us were looking through old photos and such the guys went over to the house - looking through the tool shed.  I had told Jim, "Don't take anything until the end!" - Guess he did well, but still had a full pickup at the end.  When Glen said something like "Well, what's left will go to Good Will" Jim popped up and said, "Load it in my pickup - I'll take it!" So that was the "end" for him:)  Logan was able to get several items that he thought he'd use and Jim did too.  Now just more "stuff" for the farm:)!!!!  The one item that I really wanted came that Sunday afternoon.  The "rock" that sat out by the mobile home was "lifted and transported" to its new home - out in one of my rock garden areas!!!  I couldn't be more thrilled.  From my kitchen window this is what I view - my heart takes a gulp each time I see it in the morning - I LOVE it, but cry too!!!!

So there it is - up close and from a distance!  But when I look at it, I feel like both my mom and dad are still here - strange, isn't it!  They'd like to know I have that rock - it was always a "talking" piece that especially dad would mention - "Be careful with that rock!"  And I LOVE the fact that it has the 176 on it - marking their place in the mobile home court!!! 

The next couple of days we cleaned out mom's place - putting everything into boxes - some going to goodwill, some with each of us!  I think everyone got items that meant something - I know I did!  But things just can't replace mom!  It was so funny - the first day we boxed up what we wanted and there were probably 60 boxes in the garage to be taken away.  The second day after cleaning the house and getting it ready for viewing, there we were - out in the garange going through boxes and making comments like, "Well, if no one wanted this, I'll take it!" or "This just can't be given away!"  So day one was spent with the necesseties to "remember" - day two was taking just "because"!!  Now there were 40 boxes in the garage:)!! It all worked!  Mom would have liked how we worked together too - no bickering, no bartering (well, maybe a little!!), no jealousy - we had done it! 

So on Wednesday I drove home - boxes in my car with mementos for the kids from grandma, things for me to shed tears over, a box of photos with memories - tears within my heart, tears swelling in my eyes, knowing it would never be again.  Mom was with my dad and my turn would be next!

                                                              Blowing Bubbles of Love

So not even two weeks later - we do it all over again!  On June 24th we had the final cemetery buriel of Grandma Helen with a potluck dinner afterwards.  Was I ready?  Did I have a choice to be ready?  Spring of 2011 would definitely be a time I would remember and I wasn't sure I really wanted to.  I loved Helen - she was the best mother-in-law I could ask for - she accepted me totally and completely and loved me being married to her son.  She was a wonderful grandmother to our kids and the kids loved her!  Logan was the only one of ours that could make it.  Both Litney and Larissa had been there in March for the service we had, but this time, neither one could be there.  I felt empty not being able to share this day with my kids!  It too was just a family memorial service.  Daniel kind of lead it and Laura spoke too.  Then many of the kids and a few of the relatives just told stories about Helen.  She was loved by so many and loved so many!!!  Her legacy will go on for sure!  Marie handed out bubbles to all the kids there and many of the adults as well.  At the end of the time of sharing, Helen was blown away with "Bubbles of Love" - it was windy enough that no one had to blow - just put out the little plastic thing from the bubbles and they went on their own.  It was so fitting for Helen and so perfect for the day.  Grandma Helen would have definitely had a good time!  Grandma Helen had a good time - we felt her presence there - at least I did.  She now rests next to Clyde where she'd wanted to be for quite sometime.

Jim and I are the next generation - no more parents here for us!  It's so hard to fully comprehend that!  I still feel like I could just call and talk, but I know I can't!  Just three months and I've lost both moms and had their services.  I miss them, but I am blessed beyond knowing that there will come a day that I will see them again.  My prayer is that I really am the next and that none of my kids go before me!  That's the way God has it planned!!  Tomorrow is a new month - July 2011.  God's blessings to my moms and to all!!:)

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