Monday, January 16, 2012

A Daughter's Prayers

I am so blessed to have the very best kids!!!  I love them totally and unconditionally and feel like God gave each one to me specifically for me (and Jim of course!)  But Larissa, Litney & Logan are the blessings in my life that just keep giving and giving.  This post will include text messages on my cell phone from Larissa - beginning on January 8, 2012.

Day One:  "Love you mom!!!!!  You are the main person I am praying for this week!!!!  Love you!"  She goes on, "I am picking one person each week for 2012 to really intentionally pray about!  You are my first!"

Day Two:  "Prayed for you as a wife today!!!  I pray for blessings over your relationship with dad and that you'll always be growing in that role to be the best wife and partner to him!  Also that you'll grow as a godly wife - be challenged by God in that very special role!  Love you!

Day Three:  "Praying for you as a mom today!  I am SO blessed to have you in that role: my mom, friend, mentor, cheerleader, sound board, financial assistant, guide, and role model!  Thank you for ALL you do for me, Lit, and Logy!!"

Day Four:  "Praying for a great friend and support group to surround you - asking specifically for one person to come into your life who will challenge and encourage you in your walk with the Lord!!  Love you!"

Day Five:  "Praying tonight your your health and wellness!  I want you around for a long time so get your body strong!!  Love you!"

Day Six:  "Praying tonight for your photography business!  Knowing the Lord has blessed you with the passion and excitement to do what you do, I pray you can always in return bless others!  Love you!!"

Day Seven:  Praying tonight for your attitude - that you'll always have a pure motive and keep up your possitivity!  Love you mom!!"

I'm feeling like I don't want the week to be over!  I felt each and every prayer that Larissa gave me - I know that God hears too, so I feel blessed by Him and by the prayers of Larissa!  It's been a great week - just wish the prayers could go on and on - LOVE how God works, huh!!!  Amazing for sure!!!
So this is my post for now - but just had to share it - too good to not write it all down!!!  Blessings to all!!!! 

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