Saturday, December 31, 2011

Life's Changes

So here it is the very last day of the year - December 31, 2011 - tomorrow will be a brand new year!  One of the things that I am realizing more and more the older I get is that "life changes" - there's tomorrow with a new normal and even though we'd like to "stop time" at different times, it can't happen! 

This Christmas was a new change - Christmas without mom.  What can I say - we got through it and actually we had a very good Christmas.  Our immediate family had Christmas on the 24th and then we went to Walla Walla on the 25th to help in celebrating Christmas there.  Yes, it was different and we all chatted about it at different moments - like "Wow, last year we had mom's gravy and this year we bought it from Costco - a new norm we've decided!"  Or, "mom would have loved this year's Christmas - I'll bet she's looking down at us and saying good going!" - it was hard, but life changes and even though we miss her - we go on!  I was so glad that we were able to add a little "chaos" to the Christmas gathering in Walla Walla - it was good and we all enjoyed ourselves!! 

Larissa had flown in on the 14th of the month - here to spend an entire two weeks - it was wonderful even though she didn't stay here every night.  She and Litney along with Danny and Logan had some great "bonding" times and some very "relaxing" times as well.  The room we added upstairs was perfect!  Another thing I wish I could have shown mom - she'd have loved it for us!  But I LOVE it for us too!!  It will be perfect for family and hopefully one day for grandkids - when God allows:)  I forgot to take photos of it when it was being "used" but maybe just a shot of it before will be okay.
Our 2011 Christmas Bedroom

There's just a couple of shots of it - have added a few more touches along the way - a couple of bookcases and such, but it was great for the girls & Danny - and they felt like they had a "place" or bedroom that was theirs for the time they stayed.  I guess some of "life's changes" are really good - this was one of those! 

I had some great Christmas gifts this year - two are hangings for the wall - one given by Litney and one by Larissa - LOVE them both and they are so special.  One now hangs in this bedroom - it says something like "Life takes you to different experiences, Love brings you home" and the other is in the kitchen - it has "The Leifer Family - Established 1984" - could not have asked for anything better!!  I've always been totally sentimental, but that's another thing I've really noticed lately - the older I get the more "tearful" I am over everything!!!  One other gift that was given to me this year was on the first day Larissa was here - we had a mini family photo taken up in Spokane:)  Larissa's friend Sarah came for just a short visit so she used my camera to help us out - LOVED the photos - here's the one we used for Christmas cards and I've gotten a gallery wrap with it too:)  Never can one of too many photos of your family right?  My kids may not believe this, but I cherish each one I have!

So life changes!  Today is Litney's 25th birthday and it seems like it was just yesterday that she was born!  About two hours ago all of my kids took off for Spokane to celebrate Litney's birthday and be together for the new year of 2012.  I cried as they drove away - tears of joy and happiness, proud tears, sad tears, missing tears, - just plain old tears!  I LOVE my family!!  Even with life changing with all the good and bad, I do know that we are in God's hands and that He has guided and directed my life along with my kids' lives!  Really, what more would I want? 

Yes, life does change!  Am I ready for the 2012 year?  Yes, I think so and I just pray that God continues to direct, protect, and prosperous us all according to His riches!  I thank God for my parents & siblings, for my husband and kids and for all the generations to come.  Life changes and with it, we need to have acceptance, contentment and love.  Blessings to all in this new year of new normals! 

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