Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Father's Day is Coming!!!

Here it is, the Wednesday before Father's Day on Sunday - why is it that these special days come so often any more?  I don't remember it like this when I was still living at home and being a kid - but now that I am older and a parent myself AND especially since my kids are getting older too, they just seem to get here faster and faster!  Doesn't seem at all possibly that my own dad has been gone almost six years now - oh how life is, huh?!  Hmmmmm, wish we could go back sometimes, but then again, I know that's not possible!

It's been a busy time this winter & spring - our home is now complete with new construction, Logan has graduated from high school (that's still a miracle!), Litney graduates from EWU this weekend and Larissa is moving from Howard Payne University to Eastern University in Philladelphia!  So many changes for sure and yet part of me wishes this was 20 years ago so I could share it all with both dad and mom:(  hard to know they'll not see where life takes me nor my kids!

Litney and Danny will be moving to the Seattle area in July - wow, am I ever going to miss having them close!  Now as it is, we see them about twice a month or so, but once they're living in Seattle it'll be like Larissa - probably just a few times a year.  Litney is so anxious to be teaching - having her own classroom and beginning her life!!!  Her letters of recommendation from her principal and the teacher she is under are exceptional - saying she has the ideas and questions for students that even seasoned teachers don't have.  I'm sure God will place her in just the school He wants her teaching in - I just know I'll be missing them!!!  However it is comforting knowing she has Danny and they are extremely happy together - what more could a mom want for her daughter!!!

Logan also has his first real girlfriend right now:)  She's younger but has many of the same interests as Logan and it's good to see him happy too.  Am not sure where this relationship will go, but for now Logan is much more content being "home" and not moving away.  I wasn't real sure he could make it on his own anyhow, so for now, this is good:)

I'm making the road trip with Larissa from Brownwood to Philly - we're actually going a little jog in the journey so she can spend an evening with a "friend" of hers - 6 years in the making and they've finally communicated to each other that there is an attraction?  So, we'll see what that brings!!!  Larissa is so content knowing that God has the perfect husband for her somewhere - just doesn't know where yet - but He will let her know:)  Am excited for her journey in life and see where she'll be.  For now, it's at least closer to an airport of which I'm thankful -

So I guess I'd love to share all this news with dad and mom - they'd enjoy hearing it and knowing that they didn't have to go through it with us!!!!  Amazing that families can grow so fast and time goes so quickly at different stages of life.  For now, I like the stage I'm in - I'd like it to slow down just a bit and allow me time to enjoy these special moments.  However, I know that won't be - mom use to say, "the older I get the faster the time goes" and I know that to be true too!!!  So for you dad, I'll be thinking of you on Sunday as I do most days - so wish I could give you that "dollar" once again!!!  Blessings dad!  Blessings mom!  Blessings All!!!

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