Friday, September 2, 2011

Day Is Ending:)

Only an hour or so left of September 2, 2011 - a very new "first" for me:)  The "first" birthday of mom and she wasn't here to celebrate it - not that she wanted to celebrate birthdays anymore, but I always called and talked with her, sent her a gift card, wrote a poem or something - especially since dad's been gone.  I spent the day keeping myself busy, but it was in my thoughts the entire day - I miss her!!!

 This afternoon  I was outside in the brisk fall air, watering the plants around - I looked up the hill to the top where Larissa & Litney would get off the school bus - it was just like I was back in those days - I could see them coming down the hill - skipping a bit - chatting together - running to tell me of their day at school.  For a split second I was back there - waiting for them!  But then reality - not only are they grown and away from home, I'm no longer the daughter of a living mother - my mother isn't physically in my life.  She definitely is within my thoughts, my mind, my memories, but I can't just call and chat.  I miss those talks - I miss watching my girls come down the hill.  I miss life as it was, but, it just can't be that way again.  So for now, I must cherish those memories of my girls, cherish those memories of my mom and dad and live for today.  You see, tomorrow everything may change again - tomorrow is September 3 and my mom's birthday will be over.  Today, I miss my mom!!!  Happy Birthday Mom - I love you!!!  Blessings to you on your 92nd birthday - !!!

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