Thursday, September 1, 2011

Is It September Already?

Wow - another month of the summer gone!!!  How is it the older I get the faster and faster the months seem to fly by?  Doesn't at all seem possible, but it's real for sure!

I thought alot about Mom the past week or so - even more than normal and normally it's on a regular basis:)  Mom would have been smiling:) and would have loved having some of her kids get together - she always wanted us to have a close relationship even though distance separates us.  Last Thursday Jim, Logan and I flew to California to spend a few days with Greg & Irma.  It was planned after mom passed away, but I know she was looking down and saying, "Good":)  It was a wonderful BUSY time but it had special moments that we talked and chatted about "things in the past" - several times I was in tears. 

Greg had said "yes" to a 50th wedding renewal of vows - that was the inital reason we'd gone.  He had asked a couple of months ago if I would want to come "assist" - well, Greg does so much for me in my little business that I decided, "why not?" and then Jim and Logan came along too.  We made it somewhat of a vacation and it was wonderful.  Greg took us to Yosemite on Friday (even got a few shots of Logan there for senior photos), then the wedding reception on Saturday and one of his nieces senior shoot on Sunday.  Like with all vacations, it was good to get home and rest:) 

Each night that we stayed up to visit though, I could just imagine how pleased mom would be - she wants us to keep in a relationship with one another.  Distance can become hard, but while I'm still young enough to fly, I'm up for it!!  We're again going this October to see Larissa and Judy & Don are coming over - family is so important:)  Because "we" are now the next generation, it is even more important to keep in touch.  Doesn't seem possible that "we" are as old as "we" are - I still feel in my mind like I'm in my twenties - my body doesn't say that, but the mind has always been known to do funny things, huh?!

Anyway, it was a GREAT trip and we enjoyed every moment of it.  Thank you Mom for keeping us close:)  Tomorrow is another "big first" - hmmmm, how will it go?  Check back and I'll let you know.  Blessings Greg & Irma, blessings to mom & dad, blessings to all:) 

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