Friday, December 9, 2011

Birthday Again?

Does the time really go this quickly - are the years just swishing by like water in a river?  Wow !  I believe the answer is "YES" - and I'm not quite sure I like it!  I have so many things I want to still do and want the energy, health and desire to do them.  One is to continue to update my blog more regularly - I was really good there for awhile, but "stuff" just happens and it seems like my blog is the spot that I neglect:(  but I'm going to try to do better!

This is a very difficult birthday - in fact this has been a very difficult year and the year isn't over!  People say that in time things heal and we feel better about it, but right now, it's still the same with me.  I function day to day and there are days I won't cry - today isn't one of those!  I've left the "box" on my dresser that Jim's birthday gift came in - I can be so emotional that I thought if I placed another gift in that box and opened it today, it would be like mom giving it to me.  In the past years mom wouldn't call me on my birthday, but I always called her!  In fact, I can't remember if mom ever called me once dad passed away - I am not sure she even dialed long distance anymore.  So each year I would anticipate opening my "box" and then calling mom - this year, I'll only be able to think about it!  Hmmmm, tears already and it's so early in the morning!  I share my day with Jenice - how special is that!  I just read that she's going to Wild Horse and I pray she does well on this day - I think sometimes it's the hardest on her because she spent everyday with mom - they went so many places and did so many things.  My life has continued on and "events" are still happening. 

I posted on facebook the following photo for Jenice - I'm awful at sending cards anymore!  So here it is for her:)

Happy Birthday Jenice!!!!!

Hmmm, now I'm wondering how this print got to the middle on not on the edges!  Oh well,  So for today guess I will get through it as well as Jenice - we just still miss mom and nothing is quite the same.  I'll post soon about our new "Christmas Bedroom" - mom and dad both would have loved it!  Blessings to Jenice and to all on this December 9, 2011!!!!

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