Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Brand New Day

Was soooo super excited today:)!!!  At 6:30 this morning I went into town and picked up two cats from a friend:)  Now you may think, why get excited about that?  Well, you see, this has been the absolute worst year for field mice and we lost all our cats within the past three months!!!  So Uncle Charlie and Aunt Susan brought the entire clan into our basement for the winter!!!  To this point, we have gotten 28 "friends" and I want NO more!  Needless to say, I want CATS!!!!  So am thrilled with these two and praying they stay around:) 

On another entire note, I was talking with someone today and just couldn't get the feeling out of me, that although we live in a world filled with "bad" stuff, that God is still and always will be the one in control!!!  Anyway, once again I sat on my dining room couch and these words came to me - I'm glad that I can say "Thank You Jesus for All You've done for me!"

May His Blessing be many and to all!!!

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