Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Us:)

So it's been 27 years ago about this time Jim asked me, "Do you want to go to the wheat grower's meeting in Colfax or do you want to go to Coure d' Alene and get married" - yes, that was the proposal:)  AND, I loved it then and I love it now:)  In fact, I loved Jim then and I love him now:)  It's been quite the 27 years with lots of great times, learning times, hard working times, struggling financial times, BUT it's all been what God had us to do - and I've been blessed beyond words!!!! 

I remember telling Jim, "I can't have kids" - and then miraculously three months after we're married I am pregnant - I have never been so thrilled, excited, surprised, blessed!!!!  When I found out I wanted to share the news with my mom - I remember calling the house and my dad told me she was at K-Mart in Walla Walla.  I asked for the phone number and I actually called K-Mart, had her paged and told her our good news.  Inside the store she started screaming with excitement - she too knew that the desires of my heart included being "mom":)  So that's how Larissa began her early life.  Then 22 months later Litney was born!  Our family was finally established and we were complete.  I just didn't know God had other plans:) Sometimes He works that way!!!  So when the girls were 6 & 8 we began doing fostercare and Logan was our very first child - an infant that had been terribly abused to the point he was considered a "miracle" to be alive!  27 years ago I had no idea of being a "mom" at all, today I am so proud to have three beautiful children - children who have dreams, desires & goals in life; children who think for themselves; children who have integrity, ambitions, respect; children who have a hard work ethic (well we're still working on Logan); children who I am so proud to call "MINE"!!!!!

Yes, 27 years doesn't seem possible at all - but it has been.  Life as slow as it seems when you're younger, just seems to fly by when you're over 50 - BUT, I LOVE my life and ALL the Blessings God's given to me!!!!  Happy Anniversary to my husband Jim and my thanks for a GREAT life!!!  Blessings to him and to all!!

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