Saturday, December 31, 2011

Life's Changes

So here it is the very last day of the year - December 31, 2011 - tomorrow will be a brand new year!  One of the things that I am realizing more and more the older I get is that "life changes" - there's tomorrow with a new normal and even though we'd like to "stop time" at different times, it can't happen! 

This Christmas was a new change - Christmas without mom.  What can I say - we got through it and actually we had a very good Christmas.  Our immediate family had Christmas on the 24th and then we went to Walla Walla on the 25th to help in celebrating Christmas there.  Yes, it was different and we all chatted about it at different moments - like "Wow, last year we had mom's gravy and this year we bought it from Costco - a new norm we've decided!"  Or, "mom would have loved this year's Christmas - I'll bet she's looking down at us and saying good going!" - it was hard, but life changes and even though we miss her - we go on!  I was so glad that we were able to add a little "chaos" to the Christmas gathering in Walla Walla - it was good and we all enjoyed ourselves!! 

Larissa had flown in on the 14th of the month - here to spend an entire two weeks - it was wonderful even though she didn't stay here every night.  She and Litney along with Danny and Logan had some great "bonding" times and some very "relaxing" times as well.  The room we added upstairs was perfect!  Another thing I wish I could have shown mom - she'd have loved it for us!  But I LOVE it for us too!!  It will be perfect for family and hopefully one day for grandkids - when God allows:)  I forgot to take photos of it when it was being "used" but maybe just a shot of it before will be okay.
Our 2011 Christmas Bedroom

There's just a couple of shots of it - have added a few more touches along the way - a couple of bookcases and such, but it was great for the girls & Danny - and they felt like they had a "place" or bedroom that was theirs for the time they stayed.  I guess some of "life's changes" are really good - this was one of those! 

I had some great Christmas gifts this year - two are hangings for the wall - one given by Litney and one by Larissa - LOVE them both and they are so special.  One now hangs in this bedroom - it says something like "Life takes you to different experiences, Love brings you home" and the other is in the kitchen - it has "The Leifer Family - Established 1984" - could not have asked for anything better!!  I've always been totally sentimental, but that's another thing I've really noticed lately - the older I get the more "tearful" I am over everything!!!  One other gift that was given to me this year was on the first day Larissa was here - we had a mini family photo taken up in Spokane:)  Larissa's friend Sarah came for just a short visit so she used my camera to help us out - LOVED the photos - here's the one we used for Christmas cards and I've gotten a gallery wrap with it too:)  Never can one of too many photos of your family right?  My kids may not believe this, but I cherish each one I have!

So life changes!  Today is Litney's 25th birthday and it seems like it was just yesterday that she was born!  About two hours ago all of my kids took off for Spokane to celebrate Litney's birthday and be together for the new year of 2012.  I cried as they drove away - tears of joy and happiness, proud tears, sad tears, missing tears, - just plain old tears!  I LOVE my family!!  Even with life changing with all the good and bad, I do know that we are in God's hands and that He has guided and directed my life along with my kids' lives!  Really, what more would I want? 

Yes, life does change!  Am I ready for the 2012 year?  Yes, I think so and I just pray that God continues to direct, protect, and prosperous us all according to His riches!  I thank God for my parents & siblings, for my husband and kids and for all the generations to come.  Life changes and with it, we need to have acceptance, contentment and love.  Blessings to all in this new year of new normals! 

Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy

Gosh it's been so long since I was able to give you that "dollar" for your birthday!!!  You see, I can't quite remember just how many years ago it was, but when daddy would open birthday cards from us he really didn't get very excited.  So one year, and it must have been quite a few years back too, we decided to give him the "$1" rather than the card - he would get much more excited!!!  It was always fun to watch him open those cards and secretly place those single dollars in his pocket:)  Am not sure if he saved those dollars or would purchase the gold ones instead or what.  I always felt bad for daddy's birthday!  It was so close to Christmas that we rarely celebrated it!  Mom use to bake him his favorite blue berry pie and I think he ate most of it himself.  He like blue berry pie and the rest of us didn't get much of it - am not sure if it was because we didn't like it, or he didn't share it:)!!!  I loved my dad!!!  He was always there with a "thought" or a "reason" or a "suggestion" or even a "dollar" if needed!  Believe me, there were several times I wished I'd listened, but he also knew that we would have to learn by ourselves and that's what we did - in the end, he never said "Told You So" and that wasn't anything I would have wanted to hear anyway!!!  Yes, daddy you were a great father and I miss you much!  I think I'll place a dollar in an envelope this morning and put it in my kitchen garden window for you - Happy Birthday Daddy!!!!

Happy Birthday Mr. Robert Chester Mitchell - MY dad!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Bedroom Wind Chimes

You might wonder "What in the world does that title mean?" - well, here goes!!  About two months ago we decided we had "no bedroom" space for kids to come home, nor for the hopeful grandchildren we may one day have.  Soooo, we took our attic down to nothing and have completed a "Christmas Bedroom" for our kids, guests, friends, sleepovers, etc. - it's a very special room and I LOVE it!!! 

At one end of the room there is an old rocker - a very comfortable rocker but one that I can't really use for company as the back pops out when you lean on it too heavily.  But for just me, it works just fine!  This Christmas Bedroom is just too nice an area to not use it regularly - it's peaceful, quiet, unique, beautiful:)!  This rocker sits at the end and you can look out the window into our farmground and just sit:)  You don't have to do anything - it's wonderful!!  But, sometimes I want to sit with my mom - just to be able to let her know how I'm feeling, what life is all about for me, to tell her how much I love her still, and to catch her up with the kids' news, etc.  So, on the ceiling I've hung something that was in her home in the dining area - it's a glass windchime.  I don't know why anyone would have ever used this outside where the wind could actually catch it, it would break for sure!  But near my window the sun catches the light and it shimmers and shines!  So that's where I've been sitting when time allows!  Every once in awhile when the tears come heavily I just look at the windchime and it shimmers because of my tears even if the sun isn't shining through.  Then, when I just can't stand it anymore at all, I gently blow on the chimes and they jingle - that's mom talking to me and I just listen!!  I love my Christmas Bedroom, AND I love the wind chimes!!!  I love you mom!!  Thanks for listening to me even now!  Blessings to you and to all!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Birthday Again?

Does the time really go this quickly - are the years just swishing by like water in a river?  Wow !  I believe the answer is "YES" - and I'm not quite sure I like it!  I have so many things I want to still do and want the energy, health and desire to do them.  One is to continue to update my blog more regularly - I was really good there for awhile, but "stuff" just happens and it seems like my blog is the spot that I neglect:(  but I'm going to try to do better!

This is a very difficult birthday - in fact this has been a very difficult year and the year isn't over!  People say that in time things heal and we feel better about it, but right now, it's still the same with me.  I function day to day and there are days I won't cry - today isn't one of those!  I've left the "box" on my dresser that Jim's birthday gift came in - I can be so emotional that I thought if I placed another gift in that box and opened it today, it would be like mom giving it to me.  In the past years mom wouldn't call me on my birthday, but I always called her!  In fact, I can't remember if mom ever called me once dad passed away - I am not sure she even dialed long distance anymore.  So each year I would anticipate opening my "box" and then calling mom - this year, I'll only be able to think about it!  Hmmmm, tears already and it's so early in the morning!  I share my day with Jenice - how special is that!  I just read that she's going to Wild Horse and I pray she does well on this day - I think sometimes it's the hardest on her because she spent everyday with mom - they went so many places and did so many things.  My life has continued on and "events" are still happening. 

I posted on facebook the following photo for Jenice - I'm awful at sending cards anymore!  So here it is for her:)

Happy Birthday Jenice!!!!!

Hmmm, now I'm wondering how this print got to the middle on not on the edges!  Oh well,  So for today guess I will get through it as well as Jenice - we just still miss mom and nothing is quite the same.  I'll post soon about our new "Christmas Bedroom" - mom and dad both would have loved it!  Blessings to Jenice and to all on this December 9, 2011!!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Quick Post!!!!

This is going to be one of my "quickest" ever!!!!  I've been super busy - school photos, sport photos, family photos, seniors, preschoolers, BUT I LOVE what I do so who am I to complain!!!!!  Each time I go "out" on a shoot, I just have to stop and thank God for giving me such a passion for life, such a passion for God, such a passion for my family, such a passion for creativity and photography - put all these things together and that's what I love! 

This past month Greg has helped me to provide my own website and have my own server!!!  I couldn't do half of what I do without his knowledge and expertise when it comes to computers and such:)  What a knowledge base of information he is for me!  So now instead of having him serve my photos, I am my own server - whatever that may mean to us!  So it's   and I'm rather pleased! 

This next week Jim, Logan and I fly to see Larissa - so exciting!  Wow, there's so much more that I could be writing about, but think I'll just briefly mention too - we are redoing the inside of our home!  Yes, that's right - we're getting it ready for when we are "older" - oh how I pray that day is a ways off, but you never know!  For now, this is it - I said it would be "quick" - much more that I'll expand on in another time - life is good!  I have so many blessings and just feel like I am suppose to share those blessings!  So, to all, God's Many Blessings!!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Quick Flash - Hot Flash

OK - so I can honestly say that I have never experienced a "hot flash" like most women my age!  Am not sure if it was just a blessing from God, that my body is unique, or that I'm just unusual?  Anyway, I've been thankful to be at my age - over 60 and moving on - and still not experience those "flashes" like my friends talk about:)  So guess in some ways, I am blessed for sure!!!  And I feel VERY fortunate that my health is good and that I LOVE life to the fullest - God has been sooooo good to me:)!  Not always have I been "deserving" and not always have I made the best choices, but He has been faithful and faithful beyond to me! 

Anyway, back to "flashes" - so I'm standing in my kitchen just a short time ago - making an afternoon cup of some new "French Brew" coffee that came in today's mail:)  (what a special treat to receive 4 Keurig Cups free in the mail:)!!!)  Within two seconds I feel this overwhelming heartbreak and my eyes swell with tears!  It wasn't a hot flash, but a "quick flash" of sadness and I couldn't control it!  Why Lord, why is it that our emotions can run so fast and so quick at times?  I know why I had the tears, but still, so quickly?  I have to tell you, this isn't the first time for tears by any means, but the first time I compared them to what others call "hot flashes" -

I had to take a few minutes - my coffee is almost gone along with the tears in my eyes.  So until the next time, and as I've been told, there will be a next time,  I guess I'll just write about it.  And I have to say, thank you Jesus for that "quick flash" memory - maybe it's mom wanting a cup of afternoon coffee as well?  Blessings!!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Just Another Day

So here it is in the middle of the afternoon - not a lot happening other than the weather is finally cooling off and there's a gentle breeze - that's always nice after a long hot summer!!  Larissa was home this past weekend and we traveled to Montana for the wedding of cousin Kayla Leifer.  It was wonderful to see all the family attending, and yet at the same time, it just brought so many memories and emotions to my heart.  The last time we had a family wedding was last summer's with Litney and Danny.  Not only was Helen attending, mom sent her blessings to them too - although she wasn't able to make it which we all understood.  Now time has flown by and both of them are gone - so hard at times!!!!

I decided that I wanted to put together a book of mom's last month or so and include the writings I've done since - today is that day!  I've uploaded it completely and have one last page - do you think it will "close" by heart and soul when I "close" the book?  I don't really think so, but maybe it'll be something to remind me often of all the love that was put into those words.  So mom, this is for you!!!  I will say once again just how much I love you and what a GREAT mom you were to me!!!  Blessings Mom!!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Day Is Ending:)

Only an hour or so left of September 2, 2011 - a very new "first" for me:)  The "first" birthday of mom and she wasn't here to celebrate it - not that she wanted to celebrate birthdays anymore, but I always called and talked with her, sent her a gift card, wrote a poem or something - especially since dad's been gone.  I spent the day keeping myself busy, but it was in my thoughts the entire day - I miss her!!!

 This afternoon  I was outside in the brisk fall air, watering the plants around - I looked up the hill to the top where Larissa & Litney would get off the school bus - it was just like I was back in those days - I could see them coming down the hill - skipping a bit - chatting together - running to tell me of their day at school.  For a split second I was back there - waiting for them!  But then reality - not only are they grown and away from home, I'm no longer the daughter of a living mother - my mother isn't physically in my life.  She definitely is within my thoughts, my mind, my memories, but I can't just call and chat.  I miss those talks - I miss watching my girls come down the hill.  I miss life as it was, but, it just can't be that way again.  So for now, I must cherish those memories of my girls, cherish those memories of my mom and dad and live for today.  You see, tomorrow everything may change again - tomorrow is September 3 and my mom's birthday will be over.  Today, I miss my mom!!!  Happy Birthday Mom - I love you!!!  Blessings to you on your 92nd birthday - !!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Is It September Already?

Wow - another month of the summer gone!!!  How is it the older I get the faster and faster the months seem to fly by?  Doesn't at all seem possible, but it's real for sure!

I thought alot about Mom the past week or so - even more than normal and normally it's on a regular basis:)  Mom would have been smiling:) and would have loved having some of her kids get together - she always wanted us to have a close relationship even though distance separates us.  Last Thursday Jim, Logan and I flew to California to spend a few days with Greg & Irma.  It was planned after mom passed away, but I know she was looking down and saying, "Good":)  It was a wonderful BUSY time but it had special moments that we talked and chatted about "things in the past" - several times I was in tears. 

Greg had said "yes" to a 50th wedding renewal of vows - that was the inital reason we'd gone.  He had asked a couple of months ago if I would want to come "assist" - well, Greg does so much for me in my little business that I decided, "why not?" and then Jim and Logan came along too.  We made it somewhat of a vacation and it was wonderful.  Greg took us to Yosemite on Friday (even got a few shots of Logan there for senior photos), then the wedding reception on Saturday and one of his nieces senior shoot on Sunday.  Like with all vacations, it was good to get home and rest:) 

Each night that we stayed up to visit though, I could just imagine how pleased mom would be - she wants us to keep in a relationship with one another.  Distance can become hard, but while I'm still young enough to fly, I'm up for it!!  We're again going this October to see Larissa and Judy & Don are coming over - family is so important:)  Because "we" are now the next generation, it is even more important to keep in touch.  Doesn't seem possible that "we" are as old as "we" are - I still feel in my mind like I'm in my twenties - my body doesn't say that, but the mind has always been known to do funny things, huh?!

Anyway, it was a GREAT trip and we enjoyed every moment of it.  Thank you Mom for keeping us close:)  Tomorrow is another "big first" - hmmmm, how will it go?  Check back and I'll let you know.  Blessings Greg & Irma, blessings to mom & dad, blessings to all:) 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

5 Years - Hands of a Lifetime

So I went back in my old external hard drives and found the poem I'd written 5 years ago - doesn't seem that long ago, but it is.  I have it printed on my fireplace mantle, but each time I read it I just cry - brings back so many memories, tears and all!  Anyway, thought I would post it here too -

I have a photo shoot this morning with a family - it'll be a hard shoot as the father who is like 65 is dying and only has months to live.  His kids are here with grandkids and they want a "family photo" - will this be the last family photo they have?  Probably and I'm not sure this is the day I can "hold it together" either!  I've been in tears most of the morning already!

So many memories - oh, I loved him!  Blessings Dad!!!

The Last Box

So this was a morning it was hard to sleep in.  I remember it like it was yesterday, but five years ago on this very morning I got the call about dad.  Although I'd left Walla Walla just hours before he passed away, it was very hard to know his time had come.  I remember questioning if I would drive back to Walla Walla or not - it wasn't that I didn't want to be there, but I'd been on the road a lot in the last two weeks coming and going and my body was exhausted!  You see, we also took turns staying up all night with him while he was in his last days.  It was emotionally draining but also physically draining - we wouldn't have done it any differently though.  We wanted to be with him!

So Jenice called me like at 4:30 that morning - as soon as the phone rang, we knew!  Jim got it first and then I took the receiver - the call I dreaded!  I couldn't just jump in the car and head back - although I couldn't sleep anymore either.  I waited a few hours and then drove myself back to Walla Walla - to the home where mom and dad lived.  I'll never forget walking in - not knowing what to do, where to go, what to say!  It was sooooo hard!  I cried!  I cried and cried more!  Then I guess everyone else had kinda gotten over the crying and then to see me, they all started in again.  I gave mom a hug - it was going to be hard on her - we all knew!  I do remember going into dad's bathroom and before I came out, I had one of the gold dollars of his in my hand - I said, "I'm going to take this!"  I wanted it because dad's hands had been on it - silly isn't it, but that was the way I was feeling.  If dad had touched it, then if I had it, it would mean something more to me.  Oh, the emotions that ran that day!!!!

Five years have passed - an eternity in some ways, a quick second in others!  Now it's been almost 4 months since mom passed away - the day she joined dad and was reunited with him - joyous for her, heartbreak for us!  When I was down to Walla Walla on March 18th of this year with Litney mom gave me Jim's birthday gift:)  She was always so "ahead of time" in everything she did!  She would laugh about it at times and say things like, "well, I might not be here and want to make sure he gets it" - never would I have been imagined on that Friday it would be the last box I'd get from her.  You see, Jim's birthday is the day dad passed away.  I remember placing that box on the top of my tall dresser in the bedroom - it was the same place I put each birthday gift mom gave me early -

Today I will give that gift - the very same gift mom has given Jim for 27 years - a shirt within that box and then I'm wondering - "should I just put that last box back on my dresser?"  It would be empty, but also filled with so much love & memories.  Can I just throw it away?  No, I don't think I can - so for now it will sit on my dresser, collect some dust along the way and again be another reminder of how much mom loved her kids!  Sad to know though that it is the Last Box!

Blessings to Jim on this day, to Dad for 5 years and to Mom!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Time Slips Away

So here it is - August 8th, 2011 and two thirds of the summer has passed!  It just doesn't seem possible at all:) but then again, life just seems to happen, doesn't it?  It's been a fairly good summer - still lots of emotions and times of tears, but some really good things too! 

Logan is working for Erik Logen each day at 7:00 AM - AM - did you read that correctly?  AM!!!!  Wow, what a feat that is to just get him out of bed:)  - am glad I have an "early rising husband" as I'd never be able to do that regularly.  My hours each day keep me up at night and then I actually love to sleep in a little:)  Jim is good - he gets Logan out of bed and out of the house - to a JOB!!!!

Litney and Danny have come down several times and shared some of their time with us:)  It's always a nice thing to have them for sure!!!  And last month Logan got to stay with them in Spokane while Jim and I were shooting a wedding on the coast - Logan adores Danny as much as he does Litney.  I like the relationship between them - very healthy for Logan too - just laid back and fun times when he's with them:)  Logan actually starting this "pipe smoking" this summer - guess it's not as bad as it could be, and he and Danny enjoy it together.  Am sooooo happy for Litney - she definitely found the "man of her dreams" and the two of them together are adorable.  What more could a mother ask for, right?  They are good for each other for sure!!!!

Jim and I have shot three weddings and one more to go next week - I've been blessed with a very patient husband when it comes to partnering with me to do my photography:) - he just does exactly what I say to do and doesn't complain.  He actually loves to chit chat with all the people so after his portion of the wedding is over - he just talks:)  Of course, there's always a little food involved too - he likes that part!!!  Then it takes two days for us to "recup" after being on our feet so much - am wondering just how many more years I'll be able to still do what I do - BUT I LOVE IT!!!!  Never thought I'd be a "photographer", but have found my niche again - God's blessed me with so many different avenues in my life at different times in my life - this is one of my favorites - that is, besides being a "mom"!!!

Larissa comes home next month and we're heading to Montana for Kayla's wedding:)  Am so super excited to see Larissa - it's been since March - she opted for Hawaii instead of Washington for her summer vacation - imagine that, huh?  Really, it's okay - am very proud of her and if she chooses to vacation with friends, I think it's wonderful!!!!  This is the time in her life when she can, so my thought is, "Go for it!!!!"  Am glad to have her when she can come and if it's not often enough, we'll just head down her way!!!  We are going and taking Logan in October and then she's actually staying for two full weeks at Christmas - am very excited for that too!!!  Larissa is loving her life - her work, her friends, her church, her life!!!  I'm very blessed too to have wonderful kids!!!!

So, I'm posting another photo - when we brought everything home from my mom's and dad's this was one item that I got - I knew it would look good on my back porch, and I don't think really that anyone else wanted it - so just yesterday Jim hung it for me:)  Yes, it's been sitting across the chair for almost two months - it always takes him a little "time" to "get to it" - but it happened.  I have so many wonderful memories of both mom and dad - it seems like everywhere around my home now there's a portion of them - dad made this - it's a very special coat rack to me!!!  Time may slip away, but memories last forever!!!  Hmmm, may have to write about that next time!!!

Blessings to all!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Heart's Window

So here's words that I just felt like I had to put down - sometimes I wonder if anyone else goes through this too?  Hmmmm, I think this may be "one of those days" - tomorrow will be better.  Blessings!


So here it is - my new Garden Window in memory of both Helen and my Mom - how special it is - I am thrilled to know that when I look out this window, my thoughts will be with them!  Do you think they'll know I'm remembering them?  Oh I pray so!!! 

Tomorrow will be exactly three months since mom passed away - it doesn't seem that long at times, and other times, it feels like years!!!!  How I wish I could really sit with her at my kitchen table and she'd drink her cup of coffee with me - no sugar, but enough creamer to make it the right color:)  At McDonald's it was a "senior coffee with three creamers", but at my house we usually had to scrape the jar of dry creamer as I didn't use it much, or just some skim milk:)!!  The last time mom came to my home Litney brought Helen from Cheney - now each time I have coffee with mom, Helen will be here too - at least through my window. 

Funny how our minds can work, huh?  I mean I definitely know there's no way that either one of them are here, but at moments, I "feel" like it's possible?  Sometimes when I'm asleep I have a quick dream about mom and wake up only to realize she's gone - all in my memory for now.  Still so difficult to go through some days!  As I was talking with Jenice the other day we commented on how mom would still shed a tear when she talked about Grandma - I so understand!  I remember not wanting to mention Grandma as I knew it would make mom cry - but now that I'm in that position, I want to remember mom!  And yes, I'll cry - but don't you think those tears are good?  Oh - I miss talking with her!!!!

One more cup this morning - I LOVE my new window!!!  Blessings to both Helen and mom!!!  Blessings to all!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's Coming:)

Today is the day my new kitchen garden window will be installed!!  I'm very excited and so anxious to actually be able to look out through the mementos I will place within it, but in the same sense, I know I will be very emotional.  It's not quite been three months for mom - still very fresh within my mind, thoughts and tears.  Most of the time now I can go through a day - but not always.  I mean she still is there in my thoughts, but I don't cry all the time - hard to explain!  I was talking with a friend of mine yesterday who's mother is 83 living in Spokane.  She told me that my poems had really inspired her to spend more time with her mom - that she felt everything I'd written and she knew her time was coming.  Made me feel good to hear that:)

We also got an offer on mom's home in Walla Walla yesterday.  Guess there is a younger woman who wants to move into the mobile home court to help in taking care of her mom or parents - not sure which.  She offered 10 thousand less than the asking price - we counter offered and came down 3 thousand - willing to split the difference I believe, but don't want to just give it away either.  That's going to be hard if the house sells today, the window is put in today and it's also the first anniversary of Litney & Danny.  Wow, so many memories all in one day!!!  This blog is going to be a "continuation" of what goes on today - will get back to it as I can. 

On the home, she would not budge above her counter offer - she's not the right one for the home:) but God does have the perfect person who will buy mom's place and we will wait for Him to direct that person our way!!  Mom would like that!!!

OK - so I now have a Garden Window in memory of Helen and my mom:)  It's not totally complete, but getting there!!!  The woodwork needs to be painted and a glass cut for the bottom, but by this time next week I'll be putting in memories!!!  I LOVE it and oh how I miss them!!!!

So for now, this is it - but I can just imagine sitting at the kitchen table drinking my cup of coffee with each of them!!!  Blessings and loves to them!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Where is "Home"

The other day I was chatting with Judy and we were both having a tough day - seems like those are easier to come by these months!  Sometimes I wonder if it'll ever be better?  Anyway during the conversation she was sharing with me her feelings on "home" and that now it's different for her.  I totally understood - you see she was the only sibling that did not actually live in Walla Walla, nor does she have a lot of memories from Walla Walla.  The rest of us actually graduated from school there, lived there even for a short period of time and have many memories there.  Glen & Jenice had moved away, but returned - Jaci never left and for me and Greg, we've moved but still have those memories from younger years. 

Yesterday afternoon Jim took Logan, Litney & Danny out on the boat for awhile - I stayed home first because I don't like boating, but also to do laundry for the kids - which I don't mind at all:)  Then I decided to write something to help express Judy's thoughts and feelings.  I sent it to her, but thought I could easily post it here - these postings are for so few that read it'll be okay.  Judy called - I know she appreciated it and she said it did say exactly how she is feeling. 

Even though Walla Walla is still kinda a "home" for me, I'm glad to know mom and dad are both in their eternal "home" and that one day I will greet them again.  Thank you Jesus for all your blessings to me!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The End of a Month

So I just looked at the calendar and can't quite believe that June is over today!  This month presented itself with a couple of very difficult times and in some sort of way, I'm glad it's over, but it saddens me too!  You see on June 12th we had the small family memorial service for my mom.  Litney came down that morning to St. John and rode with me to Walla Walla - Jim followed with the pickup with Logan.  We gathered at the cemetery and Glen had prepared a very nice family service for us to remember mom - lots of tears, lots of great memories, lots of emotions once again!!!!  There still isn't a day that can creep by without me thinking and shedding a tearful thought or two - but it was good to have all of us participate in the ways we did - sharing values & stories we had received from mom, and actually dad for that matter. 

We left the cemetery and went back to Jenice's home for a catered meal and just enjoyed the time together.  Mom gave to  us "one more time" - how fitting as she was always trying to do "one up" from the time before.  Even though the meal was scrumpteous and there was tons, it was difficult to have it without her there!  This was the first time we gathered all six kids and the family that could be there without mom!  It was the second time for me returning to Walla Walla, but for Judy & Don, Greg & Irma, it was the first time - how difficult!!!!  Of course, it was the first time for my kids too - Litney was very emotional - couldn't hold the tears back, Logan did his utmost, but I saw him several times have to turn away.  My kids lost two grandmas within 5 weeks of each other!  Hard on me - hard on them!!!! 

As some of us were looking through old photos and such the guys went over to the house - looking through the tool shed.  I had told Jim, "Don't take anything until the end!" - Guess he did well, but still had a full pickup at the end.  When Glen said something like "Well, what's left will go to Good Will" Jim popped up and said, "Load it in my pickup - I'll take it!" So that was the "end" for him:)  Logan was able to get several items that he thought he'd use and Jim did too.  Now just more "stuff" for the farm:)!!!!  The one item that I really wanted came that Sunday afternoon.  The "rock" that sat out by the mobile home was "lifted and transported" to its new home - out in one of my rock garden areas!!!  I couldn't be more thrilled.  From my kitchen window this is what I view - my heart takes a gulp each time I see it in the morning - I LOVE it, but cry too!!!!

So there it is - up close and from a distance!  But when I look at it, I feel like both my mom and dad are still here - strange, isn't it!  They'd like to know I have that rock - it was always a "talking" piece that especially dad would mention - "Be careful with that rock!"  And I LOVE the fact that it has the 176 on it - marking their place in the mobile home court!!! 

The next couple of days we cleaned out mom's place - putting everything into boxes - some going to goodwill, some with each of us!  I think everyone got items that meant something - I know I did!  But things just can't replace mom!  It was so funny - the first day we boxed up what we wanted and there were probably 60 boxes in the garage to be taken away.  The second day after cleaning the house and getting it ready for viewing, there we were - out in the garange going through boxes and making comments like, "Well, if no one wanted this, I'll take it!" or "This just can't be given away!"  So day one was spent with the necesseties to "remember" - day two was taking just "because"!!  Now there were 40 boxes in the garage:)!! It all worked!  Mom would have liked how we worked together too - no bickering, no bartering (well, maybe a little!!), no jealousy - we had done it! 

So on Wednesday I drove home - boxes in my car with mementos for the kids from grandma, things for me to shed tears over, a box of photos with memories - tears within my heart, tears swelling in my eyes, knowing it would never be again.  Mom was with my dad and my turn would be next!

                                                              Blowing Bubbles of Love

So not even two weeks later - we do it all over again!  On June 24th we had the final cemetery buriel of Grandma Helen with a potluck dinner afterwards.  Was I ready?  Did I have a choice to be ready?  Spring of 2011 would definitely be a time I would remember and I wasn't sure I really wanted to.  I loved Helen - she was the best mother-in-law I could ask for - she accepted me totally and completely and loved me being married to her son.  She was a wonderful grandmother to our kids and the kids loved her!  Logan was the only one of ours that could make it.  Both Litney and Larissa had been there in March for the service we had, but this time, neither one could be there.  I felt empty not being able to share this day with my kids!  It too was just a family memorial service.  Daniel kind of lead it and Laura spoke too.  Then many of the kids and a few of the relatives just told stories about Helen.  She was loved by so many and loved so many!!!  Her legacy will go on for sure!  Marie handed out bubbles to all the kids there and many of the adults as well.  At the end of the time of sharing, Helen was blown away with "Bubbles of Love" - it was windy enough that no one had to blow - just put out the little plastic thing from the bubbles and they went on their own.  It was so fitting for Helen and so perfect for the day.  Grandma Helen would have definitely had a good time!  Grandma Helen had a good time - we felt her presence there - at least I did.  She now rests next to Clyde where she'd wanted to be for quite sometime.

Jim and I are the next generation - no more parents here for us!  It's so hard to fully comprehend that!  I still feel like I could just call and talk, but I know I can't!  Just three months and I've lost both moms and had their services.  I miss them, but I am blessed beyond knowing that there will come a day that I will see them again.  My prayer is that I really am the next and that none of my kids go before me!  That's the way God has it planned!!  Tomorrow is a new month - July 2011.  God's blessings to my moms and to all!!:)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New Window

So it's not finished, but it's beginning this afternoon.  Steve's Glass is coming out to measure for a "Garden Window" above my kitchen sink!!!  I'm pretty excited, yet it saddens me at the same time.  You see, I want this window for both my mom and my mother-in-law.  In my mind, I want to get up each morning and look out this window as I'm getting my morning coffee and just remember how special these two "moms" are - to remember all the great qualities of each, to remember they loved me, to remember they could never be replaced.  I don't ever want to forget their generous hearts, their kindness, their love for me and for my children - I never want to forget them.  Not saying a "window" would replace anyone, but it will be a symbol for me.  Helen absolutely loved gardening and I'm thinking my mom "tolerated" it - Helen loved planting, my mom did it under necessity.  So, this window has a dual purpose ~ for Jim who still loves to plant and for me who is more like my mom.  When I have the final product, I'll take a photo, but for now, this is the beginning step - measurements with sadness still:(   Blessings to my two moms!!!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Going Home

Last weekend came and there I was - I'd driven to Walla Walla for the very first time since mom passed away.  In fact, I'd driven to Walla Walla for the very first time in over 40 years not to have a parent greet me at the door with a gentle hug and a slight kiss.  How my life has drastically changed within just a four week period of time!  It doesn't seem at all possible that four weeks ago mom was here and now she is forever gone and all that remains are the memories I so desperately cling to.  I can still remember her voice right now, but how long will that stay with me?  No longer can I call the home number and hear dad's voice - will his also leave my mind about the same time? 

Jenice, Jaci and I got alot of work accomplished during the weekend.  It took 5 hours to just go through mom's closet and box everything up.  At one point I'd talked about using "garbage bags" to hold mom's clothing that we were gifting to the Odd Fellow Home.  There's a lot of women there who could use her clothing items.  Mom loved Alfred Dunnar clothing and the majority of her blouses, sweatshirts and tops were still in very good condition!  However, just the thought of putting them into "garbage bags" wouldn't work for me nor my sisters - we carefully counted everything in the closet and then folded and placed items into boxes - that was better.  So many times we would mention "Oh, I remember when she wore this" or "she just had this on the day before her stroke" - why is it that just blouses could affect our emotions like that?  There were lots of tears - raw emotions that would take over at times and we'd just sit and bawl - we had each other though!!!  Jenice was the one who would break the silence by saying, "Where are we going for dinner?"  Jenice couldn't physically do as much as Jaci and me, but she was there with us the entire time!!  We needed her support too! 

Mom's home is now empty except for the boxes left for each of us to go through - boxes of life packed into two small bedrooms.  Boxes of photo albums, boxes of cards, boxes of trinkets, boxes filled with our lives and our children too, boxes of both mom and dad - that won't happen until June 13th - it will be hard for sure!  This past weekend we knew we just needed to "clean things out" - in June there will be decisions on "what to keep and what to throw" -  None of us need anything, but yet how do you toss life itself and those things that mom had kept? 

We made a trip to the cemetery too - oh, how hard to go back to where we'd placed dad 4 1/2 years ago and now beside him was his wife of 64 1/2 years.  Just viewing the name plates with my mom and dad doesn't seem real !!  How quickly life has passed - how painful to stand there!  And yet, it is a reality!!  We will be there again on June 12th for a small family gathering - it's difficult to think  it may be one of the few times we all gather.  Mom was the "hub" of our family since dad's death - there is no "base" now - will we meet again?  I pray so!!!

The weekend passed quickly - we were exhausted physically, but drained emotionally!  My drive home was almost worse than the day mom died - I cried uncontrollably at times - realizing that life itself was changing and I wasn't ready for it.  As I'd been in Walla Walla there was so much work to do, we just did it!  Now, I was alone - alone with my thoughts, my feelings, my tears!  Mom has "gone home" and the reality of "all we have left is what we give" resonants within my mind.  Mom, I love you always!  Blessings to you on this day and blessings to all!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Back for the First Time

So in about an hour I'm leaving for Walla Walla once again - making that drive but without the same purpose - this will be the first trip back where I won't be seeing my mom.  Well, I'll be at her home, but I know it won't be her "home" anymore.  All the furniture has been donated to the Odd Fellow Home - something she would be rejoicing about for sure:)!!  All the food items have been given away to those in need too - another rejoicing moment for my mom.  She's kept giving even after her final days - she was definitely a "giver"!!  One of the things that has been in my mind this past month is "when we are gone, all we have left is what we've given!"  I know I will be writing a poem with that thought, but just haven't yet - but it inspires me!!

It is our plan to pack up mom's personal items into boxes.  It's been harder and harder for those living in Walla Walla - the emotional strain has got to be draining them knowing "its" all there!  They are ready to have this part of their lives finalized - getting everything into boxes will help that process!  On June 12th we're planning a small family memorial service for mom and then "celebrating" her new life with dad in heaven!  In fact, we're doing what mom would have loved - a catered meal in her honor!!  It's going to be tearful and emotional I'm sure!  In fact, there's many moments that I'm fine and within a twinkling of an eye, I'm in tears - doesn't take much!!!  I'm sure when I take that right turn into the mobile home court and then again taking that left and even seeing her home, tears will be flowing!  Then to walk up that rap that I was so afraid of her falling each time she "threw her leg & foot" over the edge, opening that screen door and the sound of the "gaboosh" of the wooden door's suction, I'm sure I'll lose it!  But it has to happen!  My mind will be racing as I first visually see the room - the chair where mom crocheted no longer there, her finger nail file & scissors on the stand, her ottoman where she placed her feet, the stacks of yarn behind her chair to the right, the candy dish with horehounds no longer available, her cookie jar once filled with homemade cookies now filled with purchased ones.  Wow, it's going to be hard!!!

Life will continue I know - but it will never be the same!!!  I don't care how old a child, a girl, a woman is - your mother is always going to be there for you!  At least, that's what's in your mind!!!  Now I know that I've been wrong all these years - life even took my mom and one day, the same thing will happen for my kids!  Again, my thought is "all we have left, is what we give!"  I will be writing more on that!  Now I have to get ready to make that drive.  Blessings to my mom and to all!

Friday, May 13, 2011

My Own Mom

Wow!!! Where do I even begin? It's been a "forever" kind of month and a half and I'm not quite even ready to begin to write? I know I want to, but life has changed so much - very difficult still for me and from what I've been told, it'll be different for a loooong time! My mother, Eleanor J. Mitchell, had a massive stroke on the morning of April 4, 2011. Within hours though my sisters were over to the home and found her. It was the very thing my mom feared the most!! To be in a situation where her mind would be clear and crisp and her body would fail! For the past many years, my mom would send out a "hello" email everyday so we would know she was "up and going" - this morning, there was no email. Jenice and Jaci called - no answer - the nightmare my mom feared had begun. For the next 23 days someone was with my mom constantly - we never left her alone and she knew we were there. It was comforting for her! At the beginning, she just wanted to "Go Home" - meaning Heaven! and then there were times she thought she could "fight" to get well. Oh she tried!!!! I remembering on the second or third day, she did her very best to hold a kleenex in her left hand - she said, "My mind tells me I can, but I can't." So very difficult to watch!!!!

I was able to drive down the second day - on Tuesday. I stayed three days each week and basically had the night shift - very hard to physcially, emotionally, mentally do, but we all did it! The way I was able to get through was to write what was on my heart - I'm going to try to post them sequentially and share in this blog. Here's my first night with my mom!
Oh how hard to leave on Thursday of that week. She was still in the hospital at that point and both my sister Judy and brother Greg were coming to Walla Walla. There were contant phone calls made between all of us! Mom was put on a cath in the hospital - therapy had begun but was very minimal - they just didn't have the facility to provide that along with the nursing staff. Mom was given a choice to be moved to a rehab facility. We chose a private room at the Odd Fellow Home for mom. She'd had a best friend there fairly recently and although she didn't like what she'd seen for her friend, she was willing to go. At that point, she wanted to fight to get better and we all thought it was possible! I wasn't there at that time, but Mom moved - it was traumatic - the cath basically removed and she still was not able to urinate! She was in pain, we all were in pain, no matter if we were physcially there or not ! It was very hard! Judy had flown in and Greg was coming on Saturday. Everyone one of us did what we could - for some it was easier than others. No one should judge what a person can do under these circumstances - to watch your own mother in a situation that leaves her vulnerable is NOT what any child wants to have happen!!
The aide that had mom's wing was Vanessa - an 18 year old senior in high school that worked basically fulltime at the Odd Fellows. Mom fell in love with her caring abilities and wanted Vanessa anytime she could have her. She was gentle, her movements were slow and steady, her spirit was filled with God's love for people! I returned on Monday morning and once again had the night shift. I had made the decision however that I would have to go and sleep this time afterwards - the week before I hadn't and I physically got sick myself. Mom needed us and we needed to take care of not only her, but us! Vanessa was there that Monday! While I was using my cell phone as it was one of the only ones that had a signal, mom asked me if it was a camera? She wanted to have a photo of Vanessa. I told mom I had a camera in my purse and brought it out - well, Vanessa was so smart, she popped up and said, "Only with you Eleanor - not by myself!" So here's the last photo of my mom on that Monday - she really tried to smile!!!

During that conversation and time I asked Vanessa if she'd had her senior photos taken yet - she told me she couldn't afford them:(. Well, I said, I know of someone who would LOVE to do them free for you - I'll never forget mom's response "She'll do a good job for you!" - Mom was so excited that I would do Vanessa's senior photos! So I told Vanessa on the next trip down I'd bring my camera:)
That was a hard week to leave - soooo many emotions!!! Judy and Greg were both there still. We all had so many conversations about if we thought mom was going to make it or not, if her talking was better or worse, if her swallowing was okay, if she'd had enough food to even live. Mom's weight was declining each day, her swallowing was not good and she'd been put back on the catheter. I left on Wednesday knowing I would be back the following week for Vanessa, but really not knowing if mom would still be there or not.
Once again I had to leave - so very hard!!! But my "life" was in St. John and there were obligations that I needed to do - it was the time of year for all my spring sport photos, I had seniors wanting to order their photos, seniors & 8th graders ready to have photos taken - it was a very busy time in my life! Again, so many phone calls and texts back and forth!!! Greg had to leave the day after me but Judy would be staying for two weeks. Again, I knew that I would be going back no matter what would happen. Mom was losing weight each and everyday - but she was never left alone! The staff at the Odd Fellows was fantastic! Their caring abilities and professionalism was superb, and they put up with us!!! We were always there!
I went again the next Monday - Monday through Wednesday was what I felt I could do. It worked for my siblings to give them a break and it worked somewhat for my schedule here in St. John. Those were very loooong drives back and forth!!! There were times I cried so much that I don't remember the drive at all! Probably not the safest thing for me to do, but we all did what we could! That week I took Vanessa's senior photos - what a cutie and how great that was. I'd forgotten the first day that mom wanted a photo of Vanessa with a hat/scarf that she'd made, so Vanessa came back quickly on Tuesday for a "mini photo" shoot - . That night was again my night - here's the words that God gave me that night!

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - home again and was able to work on Vanessa's photos - I knew mom would want to see them - I'd shown her on the computer Monday night while I was there, but she wanted something to hold onto - not just the computer screen. She was getting weaker and weaker and was trying to sleep, but sleep wouldn't come! She was in pain and lots of pain! Her doctor at the Odd Fellows had gone on vacation and other than us, the nurses and the aides, no one did anything medically for her. Her rehab people kept working with her - but that tired her out - it was misery for her and for all of us to watch. It's just not what you want for your mom! It's not what you want for anyone! So many prayers - so many times I would talk to God and ask why!!!! Once again, Monday came! I had printed photos of Vanessa for mom, plus I'd written a special prayer for Vanessa. Here's both:)

That was a very hard night - mom was declining in weight so rapidly - her spirits were down - her body was fragile, her life was quickly descending and she wanted to "Go Home". For me, I began talking to her about that - she wanted Jesus to take her and she didn't know why she was still here! Oh the tears we shed together. I would hold her hand, stroke her hair, try to comfort - told her over and over again just how much I loved her - how everyone loved her and how great a mom she was! That first night on Monday - these words - because I wanted it for mom - I couldn't ask to keep her here - she wanted it!
Oh, that was a hard one to read - was I doing the right thing in asking God to take her? Would my siblings understand if that's what I was writing, if that's what I was feeling? Again that week I stayed until Wednesday not knowing if she'd be there the following week. Part of me wanting her to, part of me wanting her not to - would I be able to handle it if she was just weaker and less communicative. Her speech and physical body was rapidly declining. How much longer could she or would she hold on? Tears flowed so easily for all of us - it was getting to a point that we were all exhausted and yet, we were there - again each of us as we could be! That night during those days, these are the words -

I would go home again - leaving the day before Judy had to leave. There would be fewer of us now - Jami was coming home on vacation and that would relieve some of the nights - she was use to staying up all night. Those days while I was gone, she was able to fill in as Judy wasn't there. Jenice physcially could not do night shifts with her oxygen, but her days were filled being at the home. Ron was on vacation at this point and so was Dwight & Jason. It was evident that mom was rapidly losing - had lost approximately 25 pounds, energy was nil, therapy was harder all the time, her "joy" was totally gone, she was ready!
Before I came back on the following Monday - and I really wasn't sure she'd last that long - I called Kelley Leifer to talk about what was happening. She told me about a "patch" that could relieve pain and it would consistently help mom and then she could still be given more pain meds if needed, but that the patch would probably help. So this was on Sunday - I wasn't able to go until the afternoon the following day and had planned on just being there for the one night, staying until late on Tuesday and returning home. When I got to Walla Walla and to mom's room, right away I could visually see the difference only a few days had made. Mom was tired! Mom was in pain! Mom wasn't Mom! I remember going over to her and telling her about the conversation that I'd had with Kelley - I didn't want my mother to be hurting!!! This was probably around 2:30 or so and she just listened - not saying anything to me. About 4:00 p.m. that day we asked if she wanted another "tylenol" - that was what she'd be given for pain. Jenice and Glen were right there and she spoke clearly "I want what Janet talked about." - it was clear to all of us, she knew what she wanted! and that was the pain to go away!!!
The doctors orders that had been written before he was gone called for "morphine" but the fentynol patch was not part of it. Mom took her first dose of morphine - a small dose to help relieve her pain. That night would be very difficult!! I didn't realize just how monumental little things would be until later! She was not eating, she was not drinking, her swallowing had become very difficult and she was choking and coughing a lot! Ice chips were the only thing she enjoyed at this point, but they were also getting harder and harder to go down. My mom was not going to make it and I knew it! We all knew it! We may not have "said" it, but we all knew! Her dinner came around 5:30 and I was able to get her to eat a few bites of potato soup & fruit cocktail - of course, everything was pureed, so you really couldn't tell what it was! It had been my mom's menu for the past three weeks but she'd eaten very little! Pureed food, but maybe only a few bites each meal - not enough to even exist!!
She was restless! She was in pain! She was starving! She was miserable! She was my mom! Night began and about 9:00 or so when asked if she wanted more "morphine" she told me "double the dose" - oh, how hard that was to hear - I knew it meant that my mother had given up totally! She wanted to be comfortable for the remainder of what life she had left. Even after the double dose of morphine, she was still restless - moaning & groaning, but not able to speak. There was nothing at this point I could even do to relieve her mind, her thoughts, her body - she was in pain - total pain!!!
I tried my best to get her to sleep - but sleep wouldn't come quite yet. I was back and forth from the couch to her bedside - held her hand, but then felt like she needed to be alone a little too? A strange and different night - a night I will never forget! So I sat on the couch - crying on the couch, praying on the couch! About 10:00 pm as clear as if I was talking to someone myself, my mother held her right arm in the air, reached her hand toward heaven and audible spoke "Hold on Eleanor, Eleanor hold on!". I rushed the few feet to her bedside, held her and said, "Is Jesus talking to you? Mom you take His hand - don't hold on to us - you go be with Him - go be with Daddy." Oh, the tears flowed from my eyes!!! It was too late to call anyone at this point and I wasn't sure what I'd say if I did call? Mom closed her eyes and slept - mom slept the night - mom was not in pain! God gave these words -

Morning came - I stayed until the doctor came to my mom's room. When he entered and went to mom's bedside, she opened her eyes, but said nothing. He'd been gone 9 days and in that time she'd gone from a "fighter" to knowing life would end. He looked at her legs beneath the sheet, turned and commented "Wow!" - I followed him out of the room and instantly began crying! I knew for sure that my mother would not live! I'd given her the last few bites of food, I'd heard her last words, I'd been there for the final hours of my mom being "mom" - I knew at this point that when she'd spoken "hold on Eleanor" that her spirital life had gone and she was just waiting for her physical body to leave. However, we had no idea just how long that would take! The doctor stayed and talked to me - I was the one who would hear first, "Let's make her comfortable - no more meds, no more food, no more vitals - let's give her morphine to make her comfortable. Be with her as much as you can - you're a family that has been here with her - continue until her time comes. She's had a beautiful life and she's ready." Little did I realize then that when all "therapy" was taken away that the room she was in would be gone too. That private room gave us, mom's kids, the time that we'd needed to be with her - to be a part of her existing life. We couldn't lose that room!!!! I'll not forget how the speech therapist went running to another building to find the doctor to ask if she could continue on - to give oral hygiene to mom so the room would be ours. Mom wasn't at "her home" - but this was the next best thing - we had our privacy and mom had her privacy. She could die peacefully with us there! She knew we would be there!!!

I had planned on leaving that afternoon, but there was no way I could. I went back to sleep for just a few hours and returned to mom. I decided that I could split the night shift with Jaci - I would stay until midnight and go back to Jenice's home to sleep. It was a looooong day and a loooong evening! Mom slept. Mom didn't wake up! Morphine would be given when she needed it, but basically, we sat on the couch or next to her holding her hands and stroking her hair. It was so hard - never have I before felt so helpless - there's was nothing more we could do for her but just to "be" - just to be there!
Midnight came - Jaci & Jami both came, but Jaci sent Jami home in the middle of the night. Jaci did not want Jami there if mom died that evening. I went back to Jenice's - tried to sleep as sleepless nights were catching up - but couldn't much. I returned around 10:00 and told both Jenice and Jaci that I just couldn't stay another night - that I would need to leave between 2-3:00. Part of me didn't want to be there when she passed, if I was there, how would I drive home, if I wasn't, how would I drive home? Such agony is watching - such agony in not knowing - such agony my mom was in! My heart was broken totally!!! Nothing really seemed to matter - life was stopping before my eyes!

That morning I decided since my cell phone worked, that I would call Greg & Judy. I called Greg first and said, "I'm going to put the phone up to mom's ear and give you about 15 seconds - you talk - she'll listen, but her eyes are closed. Then I'll come back on." I did that with Greg - mom's left eye twitched. I called Judy saying the same thing - a little tear that had started with Greg's call, got to the center of her eye and dropped out. I then called Larissa saying the same thing - I gave about 15 seconds and she needed more time, so I put the phone back to mom's ear. Litney was able to call me back and I did the same thing. Each time mom listened to loved ones saying goodby. Then I thought, I'm going to call mom's house where dad's voice is still on the answering maching. I told mom what I was going to do - when I put the phone up to mom's ear, I told her "Tell Daddy that you're coming to be with him - that you're ready and you'll be there!" Again, one more tear dropped from mom's eyes. I took one last photo that day - I took a photo of my hands on hers. It was like life was going to change - no longer would my mom be holding me, I was holding her!

Mom got morphine around 1:00 p.m. Around 1:30 Jaci decided to go get food for both she and Jenice - to leave and be back before I left. Just before 2:00 I went down the hall to get ice for my water bottle - knowing I'd be leaving shortly. When I returned, Jenice was sitting by the bed - mom's eyes were open and she was gasping for breath. She'd been given oxygen the day before - it had helped her in breathing. Now was different - we knew that she was taking her final breaths! Her eyes were open and she was looking at us!!! I asked Jenice if I should call Jaci - she said she'd be back - I said I was going to call Glen - I went to the hall calling and Jaci passed me. I remember telling Glen, you better hurry! I went back in - there was Jaci, Jenice and I holding her, crying, telling her how much we loved her, how great a mom she'd been! Oh the tears that flowed!!!! We were bawling!!! She was looing at each of us - not only did we know, she knew! And she was ready!!! I believe that with each gasping struggling breath, my mom was saying "I love you! I love you! I love you!!!

Mom was gone - my phone read 2:06 p.m. Glen came in - just moments after. I went to tell the nurse - we all knew - there was no denying it - mom had passed on! It seemed like a nightmare from the beginning, but it was beautiful too - because we knew now that she was with Jesus - that she'd held on to Him and there would be no more suffering, no more pain! As hard as it was for us, she was with Jesus - what more could we want?! Jenice said there by mom's bed, "so this is what they mean when they say "surrounded by her family." Life had stopped for my mom - however, she was surrounded by those she loved and those who loved her! That day she'd talked to all her kids and her husband! She was ready to go!!

My mom - now joining my dad - both of them! Was it possible that life had happened so fast! 60 years of life seemed like just moments. The days and weeks to follow have been very hard - at times I still think - "Oh, I'll call mom!" but that can't happen! Words, thoughts, words, thoughts - no more mom! But she told me one time, "Keep writing" - so I am!
Mom thank you for being one of my biggest fans of anything and everything I did and do - even when you weren't always thrilled with choices I made, I knew you loved me. Thank you for 23 days to be able to tell you everything on my heart - most of all, that I loved you and still love you!!!

Mom, I LOVE YOU !!!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Past Memories - Pansy Memories

Last Saturday we had the service for Helen Leifer - March 26, 2011 was the day but she'd died March 16, 2011 one month before turning 94 years of age.  Many times after a person is gone they are "lifted" to heights far beyond who they really were.  However, Helen Leifer, my mother-in-law was as true as a person can be.  She was funny, honest, simple, caring, devoted, non-judgemental, loved people, loved her family, loved life, but most importantly, she Loved her God and was faithful in her Catholic beliefs to the day she left this earth to join Him in the heavens.  Her career in life was to be a "mother" and she took it seriously:)!!  She loved it!!!  She also loved being a grandmother and then again loved being a great grandmother - and she was blessed with lots!!!

Years ago when the girls were just little they would stay with grandma some as Jim and I went into Spokane or whatever errands we needed to run.  Both Larissa and Litney preferred staying there than running around with us:)  In the spring of the year Grandma would plant her "pansies" - she LOVED pansies!!!  On one of our many trips home she gave the girls a magazine filled with picked pansies between wax paper and we were to keep them for a time when they would dry out and could be used for something special.  Well, that day came when Larissa (could have been Litney too, but for this one it was written for Larissa) was about 16 or 17 and was giving a gift back to grandma.  Both girls "knew" the way to Cheney and the closer we got, they could see the "signs" of grandma and grandpas.  We gave the origianl to Grandma and she placed it on her wall for years to come. 

Larissa came home from Texas for the service.  The night before flying back to Texas we literally searched grandma's home trying to locate that original gift but couldn't find it.  I decided to look through some of my books and was able to locate a copy of the original.  I'm placing it here now - it was entitled "Pansy Memories" and now with grandma's death, the last lines have much more meaning.  There'll not be a time that I see a "pansy" and won't think of grandma!  Time slips by so quickly and we're only left with memories.  Blessings to grandma Helen and to all!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Yesterday was not the typical day I normally have - it started out alright, but by 9:30 was definitely headed toward being very rough!!!  It was a Monday and Jim got Logan off to school - usually he gets him up to shower and then I get up to make sure he's "out the door".  Logan has been attending the Skills Center in Spokane and loves it!  He's in the construction crew and they are actually working on an old home up there - trying to fix it up and make it liveable for a family.  Anyway, he has been carrying a knife to school in his coat pocket since he began the program last November.  He uses it at school, has never been asked not to take it to Spokane, and says that its used for opening concrete bags, cutting sheetrock, etc.  Yesterday I was given the call from Mr. Roettger - Logan was in the office with his knife.  He hadn't had it out of his pocket, but guess an adult or student saw it and turned him in.  He hadn't threatened or even intended to harm anyone.  A very hard day!!!!  Logan was given a "emergency expulsion" and came home.  There is a "hearing" tomorrow afternoon and I'm praying it goes well.  Mr. Roettger was only doing what he had to do, but it was hard on Logan.  He is feeling like he is 18 and an adult (we all know that doesn't happen at 18) and that the school didn't need to involve me in the process.  Needless to say, this week hasn't gone well!  Logan worked yesterday in the pouring rain with Monty & Justin and today is doing construction on the new addition at the church with Eric & Denny.  I am hoping by doing some "community service" while he is home will show good intent on his behalf and they will be less harsh on him tomorrow.  It's hard having a child in "trouble" and the possibility of not graduating!!  He's a good kid - just a poor choice on his behalf.  I'm searching for the "good" of all this - I know God has a purpose in it, just difficult to see right now.  Blessings to Logan and to all!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Grandma Helen April 16, 1917 - March 16, 2011

It's been a very rough couple of days!!!  I spent Tuesday afternoon with Grandma Helen like I posted in the last blog - Wednesday, just the day after, the day of Litney's final exam, the day of brother Ed's visit with Helen and the day that family conflict was reunited, Jim called at 4:20 and said he'd be spending the night with his mom.  Within 10 minutes he called me to say she'd taken her last breath!  She was ready - am not sure I was, more for Litney & Larissa than for Helen - it was God's time to call her home and I knew that - just so very hard.  Death is so final - so difficult eventhough I know she's not suffering and she's with Grandpa Clyde - how wonderful for them to reunite and be as one again!  Oh how I miss her even now!!!!  I'd not planned on writing a prayer for Helen, then Maria told me she reads the one I wrote for Clyde regularly.  I know one in the family does not think much of prayers that God gives me, but then I decided "this is God, not me!" so He gave me the following words.  God blessed Helen's life with so much - but I am blessed because of her - I'll miss her terribly!!!!  I love her!!!  Blessings to her and to all in the family.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A New Day

Yesterday I had to make a trip into Spokane for an oil change - it was not an easy decision for me to make, but I decided to go see Grandma Helen.  She's probably just days if not hours away from being in Heaven - beautiful for her, very difficult for those left here.  Litney has been such a strong person for Grandma - always there with her every step of the way.  There's a connection between she and grandma that no other grandchild has - although grandma loves ALL her grandchildren, and I know she does, Litney is just special after living with her for a year.  Here I am driving around the block a few times to see if I could do it:( !!  God gave me the strength and I decided - yes, maybe it was me coming into grandma's room and telling her what an amazing mother-in-law she'd been to me, how I loved her son, and how we had the best grandkids for her ever!!  So that's what I did!!!  Kelley was there in the room - she was the perfect one for me!  I instantly was in tears when I opened the door and Kelley just put her arms around me and hugged me tight.  I needed that!!!  Grandma has been somewhat unresponsive for about three days - some of her last words were last Friday the 11th telling Larissa that she loved her.  Litney put the phone to grandma's ear so Larissa could talk - very hard for Larissa to do that - she's so much like me - we just cry!!

So I sat for over two hours - watching, listening, crying - no longer is grandma Helen the same - her body is still with us, but she's not!  But maybe she could still "hear" so I took the opportunity to tell her I loved her and how special she'd been in my life.  Never have I ever heard grandma Helen say a bad word about anyone - she was always so positive and uplifting!  I love her!!!

Shortly before I had to leave, Litney came in - put her purse and jacket on the floor and crawled up next to grandma and laid next to her.  What strength she has!!!  She stroked her hair, flipping little strands behind her ears, kept the rosary in her one hand and just smiled at her.  There is a love like no other there.  Litney adores grandma and she was a friend to her!  I sit here in tears as I write - so difficult to think about, so difficult to witness, so difficult to know that soon grandma Helen won't be here.  I'm not sure if today is the day or not, but grandma Helen is ready - she's been ready!  Litney tells me how she is reminiscing about old friends, about John, about grandpa Clyde, about playing in the creek when she was a child - these were all words days ago - nothing anymore.  Grandma Helen is ready to be with her maker, to be with God and let the rest of us remember her memories.  I'll always treasure my memories of her and all the great times we've had - she accepted me right from the moment I met her and there's been a special place in my heart for her!! 

While there yesterday I took this photo - I know it's not one that just everyone wants to see - so hard to see that fun-loving, smiling-face, now laying in a bed unable to even close her lips, unable to open her eyes - but there is continued life sitting next to her - a legacy that grandma can be proud of, a person that meant the world to grandma in the past few years calling her "My Girl" to all she was around.  Thank you Jesus for this day and for giving me grandma Helen, thank you Jesus for giving me my daughter Litney who is able to comfort grandma, and thank you for the new day coming!  Blessings to Grandma Helen, to Litney and to all!!